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Special Offers

Loyalty Program

Blue card 1%Blue card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $50. Allows to receive on your account additional 1% from your next payment.
Red card 2%Red card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $100. Allows to receive on your account additional 2% from your next payment.
Green card 3%Green card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $500. Allows to receive on your account additional 3% from your next payment.
Bronze card 4%Bronze card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $1,000. Allows to receive on your account additional 4% from your next payment.
Silver card 5%Silver card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $5,000. Allows to receive on your account additional 5% from your next payment.
Gold card 7%Gold card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $10,000. Allows to receive on your account additional 7% from your next payment.
Platinum card 10%Platinum card.
You receive it when all your payments become more than $50,000. Allows to receive on your account additional 10% from your next payment.

20% bonus when you pre-pay $3,500 or more for our monitoring service

Start date: February 12, 2011.
Expiration date: Not defined.
The bonus will automatically appear on the account with any pre-payment of $3,500 or more.

15% bonus when you pre-pay $2,000–3,499.99999 for our monitoring service

Start date: February 12, 2011.
Expiration date: Not defined.
The bonus with automatically appear on the account with any pre-payment of $2,000–3,499.99999.

10% bonus when you pre-pay $100–1,499.99999 for our monitoring service

Start date: February 12, 2011.
Expiration date: Not defined.
The bonus will automatically appear on the account with any pre-payment of $100–1,499.99999.

5% bonus when you pre-pay $50–99.99999 for our monitoring service

Start date: February 12, 2011.
Expiration date: Not defined.
The bonus with automatically appear on the account with any pre-payment of $50–99.99999.

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Detailed onetime check
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Yandex quality index check
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