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FAQ about HTTP-alerts

HTTP-alert: what is it?
We send GET request with parameters described below to your script when checked service become offline or online. For example we check When it will be offline we will send GET request to
What parameters do you send in HTTP-alerts?
  1. id — ID of the task.
  2. time — timestamp.
  3. skey — md5([secret key used when create HTTP-alert][id of the task][time]). This parameter we will send only if you input secret key when create HTTP-alert.
  4. status — status of the task: “OK” if checked service is online after it was offline; not “OK” if we found error (error description will be in this parameter).
  5. tm — monitoring point which receive last result if you choose algorithm not “Auto”.
  6. tip — if HTTP-alert about blacklist check we will send here “blacklist”; if HTTP-alert about WHOIS information change we will send here “whois”.
What answer must my script send?
Your script must answer with HTTP-code 200–399.
What will be if my script doesn't answer?
We send request again one time after several seconds.
What is the price of HTTP-alerts?

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